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Oracle Linux is an Open Source, free RHEL derivative developed by Oracle to be 100% application binary compatible alternative to Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Release Released Active Support Extended Support Latest
9 5 months and 3 weeks ago
(06 Jul 2022)
Ends in 9 years
(01 Jul 2032)
Ends in 11 years
(01 Jun 2034)
(30 Nov 2022)
8 3 years and 5 months ago
(19 Jul 2019)
Ends in 6 years
(01 Jul 2029)
Ends in 6 years
(01 Jul 2029)
(21 Nov 2022)
7 8 years ago
(23 Jul 2014)
Ends in 1 year and 6 months
(01 Jul 2024)
Ends in 3 years and 5 months
(01 Jun 2026)
(08 Oct 2020)

Differences with Upstream RHEL:

More information is available on the Oracle Linux website.

You should be running one of the supported release numbers listed above in the rightmost column.

You can check the version that you are currently using by running:
lsb_release --release

You can submit an improvement to this page on GitHub :octocat: . This page has a corresponding Talk Page.

A JSON version of this page is available at /api/oraclelinux.json. See the API Documentation for more.

This page was last updated on 30 November 2022. Latest releases are automatically updated.